
unusual facts about Eclipse Comics

Juan Zanotto

The United States publisher Eclipse Comics published Nueva York año cero and Crónicas del Tiempo Medio in the late 1980s.

About Comics

Other About Comics’ titles include Fusion, a shared universe anthology by a number of sci-fi writers and artists originally printed by Eclipse Comics; The Weasel Patrol, an insert comic attached to Fusion written by Ken Macklin and drawn by Lela Dowling; and The Misadventures of Prince Ivan, a fantasy comic written by Diane Duane.

David Wenzel

The Hobbit: An Illustrated Edition of the Fantasy Classic (with writers Chuck Dixon and Sean Deming; Eclipse Comics, 1989; Ballantine Books, 1990; Del Ray Books, 2001) ISBN 0-345-44560-0

Destroyer Duck

Destroyer Duck was an anthology comic book published by Eclipse Comics in 1982, as well as the title of its primary story, written by Steve Gerber and featuring artwork by Jack Kirby.

Hillman Periodicals

Hillman's most notable character, however, continuing in new stories by another publisher, Eclipse Comics, in the 1980s, was the Charles Biro, Dick Wood and Al Camy-created aviator-adventurer Airboy in Air Fighters Comics and its successor, Airboy Comics.

see also

Project Liberty

The Liberty Project, a team of former supervillains into superheroes of Eclipse Comics