
2 unusual facts about Ecological Economics

Ecological economics

Robert Costanza was the first president of the society and first editor of the journal, currently edited by Richard Howarth.

Richard B. Norgaard argues traditional economics has hi-jacked the development terminology in his book Development Betrayed.

Mesoamerican Society for Ecological Economics

Very influential speakers such as Fander Falconí; David Barkin; Mario Pérez, and Carlos Muñóz Piña lectured about and discussed the Ecological economics platform for the advancement of social justice, environmental justice, and the principles of sustainability.

Value theory

In Ecological Economics value theory is separated into two types: Donor-type value and receiver-type value.

see also

Gund Institute for Ecological Economics

The Gund Institute was originally founded by Robert Costanza in 1991 as the Institute for Ecological Economics at the University of Maryland.

Mathis Wackernagel

He received an honorary doctorate from the University of Bern in 2007, a 2006 World Wide Fund for Nature Award for Conservation Merit, and the 2005 Herman Daly Award of the US Society for Ecological Economics.

Robert Costanza

He is a senior fellow of the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm, Sweden; a senior fellow of the National Council for Science and the Environment, Washington, D.C.; a distinguished visiting professor at Lincoln University in Canterbury, New Zealand; Affiliate Fellow at the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics at the University of Vermont; and a co-chair of the Ecosystem Services Partnership.