This show was originally hosted by country singer Ed Bruce, who eventually left Cavalcade to host another TNN Show named Truckin' USA.
One of his biggest acting roles was as the second lead on the television revival of 1957's Maverick, called Bret Maverick.
Charlie Louvin recorded "See the Big Man Cry" (Capitol 5369) in 1965; Louvin's version reached No.
Bruce Springsteen | Bruce Lee | Bruce Willis | Bruce Dickinson | Bruce Cockburn | Bruce Campbell | Lenny Bruce | Bruce Sterling | Bruce Forsyth | Robert the Bruce | Bruce Beresford | Bruce | Bruce Weber | Bruce Weber (photographer) | James Bruce | Jack Bruce | Bruce Broughton | Bruce Brown | Bruce Nesmith | Bruce Li | Bruce Greenwood | Bruce Kent | Bruce Babbitt | Nigel Bruce | Bruce Grobbelaar | Bruce Dern | Bruce Chatwin | Bruce Baum | Bruce Andrews | Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin |
Songwriter Ronnie Rogers, who previously had hits with Ed Bruce, Dave Dudley, Tanya Tucker and others, recalled to country music journalist Tom Roland that the idea for "Dixieland Delight" came to him when he was driving down Highway 11W, a Tennessee road in Rutledge, Tennessee.