In his reply, Ward was bitterly hostile to the Prime Minister, calling him "a posturing individual with the scowl of a Mussolini, the bombast of a Hitler and the physical proportions of a Göring".
While in opposition during the early years of World War II, Ward was leaked evidence of the 'Brisbane Line' plan, the Menzies government's decision that, in the event of enemy invasion, Australia would have been defended by the concentration of Australian military forces on a line drawn from Brisbane to Adelaide, meaning that large tracts of Australia would have been abandoned to the Japanese.
Eddie Murphy | Eddie Cantor | ward | Eddie Van Halen | Henry Ward Beecher | Eddie Izzard | Eddie Rickenbacker | Eddie Money | Ward | Eddie | Ward Bond | Rachel Ward | Eddie Gomez | Eddie Albert | Ward Churchill | Eddie Cochran | Hines Ward | Eddie Rabbitt | Eddie Henderson | Eddie Garcia | Andre Ward | M. Ward | Julia Ward Howe | Eddie Harris | Eddie Campbell | Eddie Bauer | William Ward | Ward Kimball | The Courtship of Eddie's Father | Eddie Rambeau |
The by-election was won by Labor candidate Eddie Ward, who was associated with New South Wales Premier Jack Lang's wing of the party.