
unusual facts about Edgeworth David

Edgeworth, New South Wales

In December 1960 Young Wallsend adopted its present name in honour of the geologist Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth David who, arriving in NSW in 1882, pioneered geological surveying of the coal seams in the Hunter Valley.

Edgar Ravenswood Waite

Waite accompanied Charles Hedley of the Australian Museum on the 1896 Funafuti Coral Reef Boring Expedition of the Royal Society under Professor William Sollas and Professor Edgeworth David.

Samuel Warren Carey

Mathematics was required and he was encouraged to study Geology as his fourth subject, a department still under the influence of retired Professor Edgeworth David.

see also

Alistair Mackay

The following spring when Shackelton set off to attempt to reach the South Pole, he despatched Mackay, Mawson and Edgeworth David northward to reach the South Magnetic Pole which lay approximately 650 km north-north-west of Ross Island.