
28 unusual facts about Geology

Academy of Science, St. Louis

The Academy's mission was to promote "Zoology, Botany, Geology, Mineralogy, Paleontology, Ethnology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Meteorology, Comparative Anatomy, and Physiology." Academy members started a museum collection, maintained a library, published a journal and corresponded with leading scientists of the day, providing information concerning the lands that lay adjacent and to the west of St. Louis.

Alabama Museum of Natural History

The north wing originally housed the Department of Biology with the south wing housing the Department of Geology.

Arthur Raistrick

His early academic life was spent at Armstrong and Kings Colleges, Newcastle part of Durham University (later to become Newcastle University) where he attained the role of Reader in Applied Geology.

Bishop Sutton

Much of the exploratory survey work which identified the geology of the area was carried out by William Smith, who became known as the "Father of English Geology", building on earlier work in the same area by John Strachey, who lived at Sutton Court.

Brain Quest

Brain Quest is a series of educational flashcards that quiz children on a variety of subjects including Science, Math, English, Geology, History and others.

C. Lloyd Morgan

He taught in Cape Town, but in 1884 joined the staff of the then University College, Bristol as Professor of Geology and Zoology, and carried out some research of local interest in those fields.


Lyell presented his ideas in the influential three volume work, Principles of Geology, published in the 1830s, which challenged theories about geological cataclysms proposed by proponents of catastrophism like Cuvier and Buckland.

Earth Revealed: Introductory Geology

Earth Revealed: Introductory Geology is a 26-part video instructional series covering the processes and properties of the physical Earth, with particular attention given to the scientific theories underlying the geological principles.

Emma Edwards

After working for some years as a junior geologist for the Falkland Islands Government, Edwards went to Aberdeen University in 1998 where she gained a Masters Degree in Petroleum Geology.


In Geology, episodic refers to events that occur or have occurred periodically


Geographically and geologically the land around Feuchtwangen comprises the eastern part of the Swabian-Franconian Escarpment Land (Schichtstufenland), also sometimes called the gypsum-keuper landscape.

Galway City Museum

Galway City Museum collects, perserves and displays materials relating to the history of Galway City; Archaeology, Art, Geology, Natural History, Social, Political and Industrial History and Folklife.

Geology of China

The Geology of China (中国地质, Zhōngguó dì zhì) (or the geological structure of the People's Republic of China) can be divided into several parts.

George Nelson Allen

In 1847 George Allen was appointed Professor of Geology and Natural History, in addition to his music position.

Horoscopic astrology

Many modern and ancient mundane astrologers also believe correlations exist between geological phenomena (such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.) and astronomical phenomena (the movement of celestial bodies in relation to the Earth).

Isomeric shift

Under its Mössbauer variant, the isomeric shift has found important applications in domains as different as Atomic Physics, Solid State Physics, Nuclear Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Metallurgy, Mineralogy, Geology, and Lunar research.

John Dennant

John Dennant (1839 – 12 June 1907) was an English-born educational administrator and geologist, president of the Royal Society of Victoria in 1903.

John Macoun

This allowed him in 1868 to secure a faculty position as a Professor of Botany and Geology at St. Alberts College in Belleville.

José Ramiro Suárez Soruco

Between 1976 and 1980 Suarez was a professor of Geology (GLG-99) in the Universidad Gabriel René Moreno, Santa Cruz de la Sierra Bolivia; between 1978 and 1979 professor of Biology 116, and since 2000 occupied a professorship of Geology.

Kilburn White Horse

Sutton Bank, geologically, is formed of sandstone and the horse was created by removing the topsoil and exposing the underlying rock and covering it with white limestone chips.

Mariager Fjord

Geologically, Mariager Fjord isn't a true fjord, but an inlet of the förde type.

Martin Lockley

He was a Professor of Geology at the University of Colorado at Denver, in the United States, and founder and director of the Dinosaur Trackers Research Group.


Made of metamorphic rock, Pohorje is geologically part of the Central Eastern Alps, but due to its location south of the Drava River it is commonly regarded as a Southern Limestone Alps range.

RWTH Aachen Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering

It comprises three sections for Raw Materials and Waste Disposal Technology, Metallurgy and Materials Technology and Geoscience and Geology.

Samuel Allport

Although occupied in business during the greater portion of his life, his leisure was given to geological studies, and when residing for a short period in Bahia, South America, he made observations on the geology, published by the Geological Society in 1860.

Samuel Hibbert-Ware

Samuel Hibbert-Ware (21 April 1782 – 30 December 1848) was an English geologist and antiquarian.

Samuel Warren Carey

Mathematics was required and he was encouraged to study Geology as his fourth subject, a department still under the influence of retired Professor Edgeworth David.

Seismic microzonation

Seismic microzonation is defined as the process of subdividing a potential seismic or earthquake prone area into zones with respect to some geological and geophysical characteristics of the sites such as ground shaking, liquefaction susceptibility, landslide and rock fall hazard, earthquake-related flooding, so that seismic hazards at different locations within the area can correctly be identified.

Alec Trendall

He is known for his work in mapping the island of South Georgia and for surveying the geology of Western Australia.

Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve

Father Bernard R. Hubbard was a Jesuit priest and professor of geology at Santa Clara University in California, who had been exploring Alaska's volcanoes and glaciers every summer season since 1927 and writing about them in best-selling books and in publications such as National Geographic and the Saturday Evening Post.


It was named for Yaakov Ben-Tor (1910–2002), Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of California, San Diego, California, USA, for his contributions to geology and mineralogy in Israel.


It was first described in 1868 for a sample from a hydrothermal nickel-uranium vein from Johanngeorgenstadt, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany and named for German chemist Robert William Eberhard Bunsen (1811–1899).

Carrock Fell

Carrock Fell’s geology is unique in the Lake District in that it is predominantly composed of Gabbro, a rough igneous rock that also makes up the famous Black Cuillin on the Isle of Skye.

Charles Frederick Hartt

In his last voyage he collected more than 500,000 specimens, which were donated to the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro, where he worked as the founder and director of the section of geology from 1866 to 1867.

Charnwood Museum

It has a wide range of exhibits reflecting the history, geology, archaeology and industries of Charnwood and surrounding areas.


Although there are considerable differences between terrestrial and Martian geology, some features on Mars are also believed to be evaporite basins, and consequently share at least some features of chotts.

Constantin Lăcătușu

After secondary studies at Petru Rareş High School in Piatra Neamţ, he enrolled at the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of the University of Bucharest, graduating in 1986.


A diachronous (Greek dia, through + Chronos) deposit in Geology is a sedimentary rock formation in which apparently similar material varies in age from place to place.

Emilie Demant Hatt

Demant had a close relationship and friendship with the Swedish geologist and chemist Hjalmar Lundbohm whom she met in Jukkasjärvi in 1907.

Evan Forde

Forde became a researcher in the Marine Geology and Geophysics laboratory at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) while an undergraduate at Columbia during the summer of 1973.

Garniss Curtis

Garniss H. Curtis, (born May 27, 1919 ~ died December 19, 2012) was a professor emeritus of geology at the University of California, Berkeley, geochronologist, volcanologist, geophysicist, and founder of the Berkeley Geochronology Center.

Geography of Belize

Belizean geology consists largely of varieties of limestone, with the notable exception of the Maya Mountains, a large uplifted block of intrusive Paleozoic granite and sediments running northeast to southwest across the south-central part of the country.

Geology of East Sussex

For much of its history the Weald had been slowly subsiding basin, but the growth of the Alpine Chain to the south during the Cenozoic caused a reactivation of the Variscan basement basin-bounding faults, the rocks were arched into a broad anticline which stretched across the English Channel to Northern France, the Weald–Artois anticline.

Harald Bjørlykke

He was the director of Norsk Bergverk from 1958, director of the Norwegian Geological Survey from 1958 to 1966, and professor of geology at the Norwegian Institute of Technology from 1966 to his death.

Hazen's Notch

The geology of the Hazen's Notch area in Westfield and Montgomery is primarily Hazen's Notch Formation of schist with intrusions of Belvidere Mountain Amphibolite and two areas of ultramafic rocks all of which grades into Jay Peak Formation in the lower elevations.

Hermann Behmel

He worked as a long term consultant for NATO in Newcastle, England, and Torino, Italy, and was head of Department at Universität Stuttgart, Institute for Geology and Paleontology.

Heywood Sumner

In his mid-forties he relocated to Cuckoo Hill, near Fordingbridge in Hampshire, England, and spent the rest of his life actively investigating and recording the archaeology, geology and folklore of the New Forest and Cranborne Chase regions.

Johann Menge

Born in the town of Steinau, Hesse, Germany, Menge had little formal education, but was a keen learner and quickly gained a broad knowledge of languages, philosophy, medicine, religion, and geology.

John Scouler

In 1834, he was appointed professor of mineralogy, and subsequently of geology, zoology, and botany, to the Royal Dublin Society, a post he held until his retirement on a pension in 1854, when he returned to Glasgow.

Josiah Whitney

Josiah Dwight Whitney (1819–1896) was an American geologist, professor of geology at Harvard University (from 1865), and chief of the California Geological Survey (1860–1874).

József Szabó de Szentmiklós

In later years he devoted himself largely to petrology, and published memoirs on the trachytes of Hungary and Transylvania; on a new method of determining the species of feldspars in rocks, depending on fusibility and flame-coloration; on the geology and petrology of the district of Schemnitz; and on Santorin Island.

K. J. V. Steenstrup

Knud Johannes Vogelius Steenstrup (September 7, 1842 in Høstemark Mill in Mou, Northern Jutland – May 6, 1913) was a Danish geologist and explorer of Greenland.

Law of superposition

When combined with the related principle of faunal succession, the law of superposition provides a very powerful tool for dating rocks and strata.

Lizard complex

The hornblende schist, found in contact with the serpentine mass directly to the North (at Ogo Dour) and to the South (at Pentreath and Church Cove) is the metamorphic remnant of basaltic intrusives into the upper crust.

Mars Space Flight Facility

Scientists, researchers, and students there specialize in using instruments on spacecraft at Mars for remote sensing research primarily concerning the geology and mineralogy of the planet.

Menefee Shale

The Menefee Shale is a geological stratum underlying the Chaco Wash, which is located in the northwestern portion of the U.S. state of New Mexico, in what is now Chaco Culture National Historical Park.

Michael Lesher

In 1997 he was appointed Professor of Economic Geology, NSERC Senior Industrial Research Chair in Mineral Exploration, and Founding Director of the Mineral Exploration Research Centre at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario.

Peter Dodson

A professor of vertebrate paleontology and of veterinary anatomy at the University of Pennsylvania, Dodson has also taught courses in geology, history, history and sociology of science, and religious studies.

Rolf Schock

His parents, who had left Germany in 1931, would eventually settle in the United States, where Rolf would go on to study geology and psychology, with mathematics as a minor, at the University of New Mexico.

Rollover anticlines

Cretaceous aged sediments dominate the surface geology of the Mardin Structure, and its western limits are slightly past the point where Midyat Limestone dominates the surface.


Situated a bit southwestwards — between 44° and 54° North — of its present location due to plate tectonics, in a fairly wet and warm epoch, the region had probably a warm-temperate to subtropical and fairly humid climate, altogether not too dissimilar from today's Black Sea region or French Mediterranean.

Shannons Flat

The geology of the area includes a rock called Shannons Flat Granodiorite.

Stuart Monro

Monro graduated in Geology from Aberdeen University in 1970 and then received his PhD from the University of Edinburgh while embarking upon a lengthy career with the British Geological Survey, making a number of distinguished contributions to the understanding of the geology of central Scotland and the application of geology to environmental issues.

Stuckless Glacier

Named by Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (US-ACAN) (1999) after John S. Stuckless, Department of Geology, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb (later U.S. Geological Survey), who, in several seasons from 1972–73, investigated the geochemistry of McMurdo volcanic rocks, correlating samples from several Ross Island sites with DVDP core samples obtained in McMurdo Dry Valleys.

Surajit Chandra Sinha

After his early education in a high school in Mymensingh, and then at Ballygunge Government High School, Calcutta, he started his college education in physics at Presidency College, Calcutta, but later shifted to geology and then to anthropology.

Susenyos I

After his defeat, Za Sellase became a supporter of Susenyos, but eventually fell out with Susenyos early in his reign, and was imprisoned on an amba in Guzamn.

Swinnerton Ledge

In association with the names of geologists grouped in this area, named by the United Kingdom Antarctic Place-Names Committee (UK-APC) after Henry H. Swinnerton (1876–1966), British zoologist and paleontologist, Professor of Geology, University college of Nottingham (later Nottingham University), 1912–46; President, Geological Society, 1938-40.

Taradale, Victoria

The town was named after the birthplace of Sir Roderick Murchison, Tarradale House, in Scotland, and many of the streets are named after famous figures of the day in science and geology, including Charles Lyell, Roderick Murchison, Michael Faraday and Humphry Davy.

Tectonic phase

The Alleghenian orogeny in North America (during the Carboniferous period) for example can be found as an angular unconformity between rock layers in large parts of that continent.

Trevor D. Ford

He has written several popular introductions to Peak District geology, a definitive study of the local fluorite Blue John, as well as numerous cave guides.


It is named after the Dutch mineralogist Willem Uytenbogaardt (1918 – 2012), Professor of Geology, Technical University, Delft, The Netherlands, prominent ore microscopist.

Walter C. Alvarez

:For his grandson, the American geology professor, see Walter Alvarez.

Zhao Wenzhi

Zhao is currently holding as the chairperson of the Petroleum Geology Committee of Chinese Petroleum Society; member of China National Committee for ICGP (UNESCO International Geological Correlation Program) and adjunct professor of Northwestern University, China University of Petroleum, and Jilin University.