She was defeated by Thomas Massie during the GOP Primary failing to garner more than 30% of the vote.
She sought to replace the retiring Geoff Davis in Kentucky's 4th congressional district, but was defeated by Lewis County Judge-Executive Thomas Massie.
She also went to the 52nd Annual National Security Seminar at the U.S. Army War College and the Executive Leadership Program at the Naval Postgraduate School.
Edgington v Fitzmaurice (1885) 29 Ch D 459 is an English contract law case, concerning misrepresentation
Dorothy Edgington, philosopher active in metaphysics and philosophical logic
Alecia Webb-Edgington, Republican member of the Kentucky House of Representatives
Edgington, Illinois, unincorporated community in Rock Island County, Illinois, United States
Walter Christian Schumm, a building contractor; Marcus Carey, a lawyer; Lewis County Judge-Executive Thomas Massie; Boone County Judge-Executive Gary Moore; Brian Oerther, a teacher;state representative Alecia Webb-Edgington; and Tom Wurtz, a business consultant, sought the Republican nomination to succeed Davis.
starring = Tony Hughes
Jane Vallis
Robert Edgington
Amanda Ma
Chris Benaud
Margaret Nelson
Rodney Bell
Ric Hutton
Ron Haddrick
Ron Blanchard
Wallas Eaton
Willie Fennell
Cornelia Frances
Frank Gallacher
Michael Howard