Edinburgh chose to participate in the Department for Transport's Charging Development Partnership of local authorities working considering congestion charging or workplace parking levies, and also part-funded the European Union's PRoGR€SS project ('Pricing Road use for Greater Responsibility, Efficiency and Sustainability') to demonstrate and evaluate the effectiveness and acceptance of urban road pricing schemes, under the EU's CUPID European Road Pricing initiative.
Edinburgh | University of Edinburgh | Edinburgh Festival | Edinburgh Castle | Duke of Edinburgh | Royal Society of Edinburgh | Edinburgh Festival Fringe | Edinburgh Academical Football Club | Charge of the Light Brigade | Edinburgh Waverley railway station | Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh | Edinburgh International Film Festival | chargé d'affaires | Charge-coupled device | Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh | Portobello, Edinburgh | Edinburgh Review | Edinburgh, South Australia | Edinburgh Airport | Niddrie, Edinburgh | Edinburgh University Press | Edinburgh Academy | Chargé d'affaires | charge | University of Edinburgh School of Informatics | Tait's Edinburgh Magazine | Stockbridge, Edinburgh | Granton, Edinburgh | electric charge | Edinburgh Zoo |