
unusual facts about Editrice.i.l.a. Palma

Francesco Mander

Two of them, titled "Due racconti" have been published by Editrice.i.l.a. Palma, (Palermo, Italy and São Paulo, Brazil) in the "Meridiana" series.

Grażyna Miller

This book was published by the Libreria Editrice Vaticana and, on March 6, 2003, presented by the (then) Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.


Casa Editrice Hoepli is an Italian publishing house based in Milan which was founded in 1870 when Ulrico Hoepli, a Swiss bookseller born 23 years earlier in the small village of Tuttwil (Canton Thurgau), took over a bookshop in the Galleria De Cristoforis in the centre of the city.

Jose S. Palma

On 18 March 2006, Palma was appointed Archbishop of Palo by Pope Benedict XVI, succeeding Archbishop-Emeritus Pedro R. Dean.

Order of Mass

Facsimile: Manlio Sodi, Antonio Maria Triacca, Missale Romanum. Editio princeps (1570), Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano 1998, ISBN 88-209-2547-8), but in later editions Ordo Missae in more classical Latin was used.

Silvio Spaventa

Raffaele Aurini, Spaventa Silvio, in Dizionario bibliografico della gente d'Abruzzo, Ars et Labor, Teramo 1958, now in Nuova Edizione, Andromeda editrice, Colledara 2002;

see also