In 1886 the Battalions were renamed, taking their new names from the location of their main logistic depot: Morbegno, Tirano, Edolo and the newly formed Vestone.
After World War II the 5th Alpini regiment was reformed on January 1, 1953 in the city of Meran with the battalions Tirano, and Edolo and became the sole Alpini regiment in the newly formed Alpine Brigade Orobica.
After World War II the 6th Alpini regiment was reformed on April 16, 1946 in the city of Meran with the battalions "Edolo", "Bolzano" and "Trento" and became the sole Alpini regiment of the reformed Alpine Brigade Tridentina.
Since 1993 FERROVIENORD (through LeNord and NordCargo) is managing the Brescia-Iseo-Edolo railway branch, not connected to the main group of lines, centered in the Milan area.
It is visible where the road from Edolo rises to the Aprica Pass, and can be reached through the road from Tirano.
The lower middle valley extending from Breno to Sellero, then starts the upper middle valley from the narrow gorge Cedegolo until Sonico - Edolo;
During the first months of 1518, inquisitors were stationed in the parishes of the Val Camonica; Don Bernardino de Grossis in Pisogne, Don James de Gablani in Rogno, Don Valerio de Boni in Breno, Don Donato de Savallo in Cemmo and Don Battista Capurione in Edolo, all under the bishop Inquisitor Peter Durante, who presided at the central court of the Inquisition at Cemmo.