
2 unusual facts about Education in Germany

Hans Hermes

In 1937 he passed the state examination in Münster and was attending there in 1938 when the physicist Adolf Kratzer was present.

Tripartite system

Education in Germany – the present secondary school organisation common in Germany

Education in Hamburg

The German states are primarily responsible for the educational system in Germany, and therefore the Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung (State Ministry of Schools and Vocational training) is the administrative agency in Hamburg.

see also

Behbud Khan Javanshir

Due to his education in Germany, he was later assigned to represent the Soviet government first in Berlin, then from the summer of 1921 in Constantinople.

Henry Peter Bosse

Little is known about Bosse's early life and education in Germany, although his surviving family asserts some connection to Abraham Bosse (1620-1676), the famous French engraver and topography theorist.

Juhan Kukk

Kukk finished the Tartu High School of Sciences, studied in the Commerce Department of the Riga Polytechnical School in 1904-1910 and got additional education in Germany, graduated with the diploma of first degree.

Kai Gronauer

In the year 2008 the Minnesota Twins and the Pittsburgh Pirates were interested in him but he declined the offer in order to finish his vocational education in Germany.