
5 unusual facts about Edward Duyker

Bernard Le Nail

In 2010 his publishing house Les Portes du Large published a French translation of a biography of Marc-Joseph Marion Dufresne by Australian historian Edward Duyker.

Francois Peron National Park

Edward Duyker François Péron: An Impetuous Life: Naturalist and Voyager, Miegunyah/MUP, Melb.

Guy Lionnet

Edward Duyker ‘Lionnet, Joseph Guy (1922—2007)’, Dictionnaire de Biographie Mauricienne, no. 61, avril 2012, pp.

Lester Basil Sinclair

Edward Duyker, "Sutherland: Towards a Literary Landscape", National Library of Australia News, vol.

Santhal people

Edward Duyker Tribal Guerrillas: The Santals of West Bengal and the Naxalite Movement, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1987, pp.

see also