The Major Armstrong award, named after the inventor of FM radio, Edwin Howard Armstrong, is presented "to AM and FM stations for excellence and originality in radio broadcasting" by the Armstrong Memorial Research Foundation at Columbia University.
One of the station's listeners was the inventor of frequency modulation, Edwin Howard Armstrong.
Louis Armstrong | William Howard Taft | John Howard | Howard Hughes | Lance Armstrong | Neil Armstrong | Howard Stern | George Armstrong Custer | Howard University | Ron Howard | Howard Dean | Howard Hawks | Howard Zinn | Edwin Lutyens | The Howard Stern Show | Robert E. Howard | Howard Shore | Howard Carter | Howard | Armstrong Whitworth | Howard Baker | Armstrong | Howard County, Maryland | Edwin Booth | Trevor Howard | Michael Howard | Clint Howard | Leslie Howard | Clark Howard | Russell Howard |
In 1914, Columbia University student Edwin Howard Armstrong worked with professor John Harold Morecroft to document the electrical principles of the Audion.