
2 unusual facts about Efik


Efik language, their language, a variation of the Ibibio language

Efik people, an ethnic group located primarily in southeastern Nigeria


Abassi, creator god in the pantheon of the Nigerian Efik people

Bakassi Boys

These groups likely took their name from the Bakassi peninsula, an oil-rich peninsula in the Annang /Efik / Ibibio region of the coastal southeastern Nigeria disputes over the peninsula which had hastened hostilities between Nigeria and Cameroon, with both countries contending for ownership of the region and its resources.

Calabar Kingdom

Akwa Akpa, a city state of the Efik people based on what is now the city of Calabar


Historians have compared the significance of Nri, at its peak, to the religious cities of Rome or Mecca: it was the seat of a powerful and imperial state that influenced much of the territories inhabited by the Igbo of Awka and Onitsha to the east; the Efik, the Ibibio, and the Ijaw to the South; Nsukka and southern Igala to the north; and Asaba, and the Anioma to the west.

Southeastern Nigeria

Before Nigeria became a country through British colonial government, Southeastern Nigeria was a home to many ethnic groups such as the Igbo, Ijaw, Ibibio, Efik, Annang, Ekoi, etc.

see also