
4 unusual facts about Egon Weidekamp

Battle of Ryesgade

In the 1970s, the Copenhagen City Council, led by a social democratic mayor, Egon Weidekamp, had begun a process of rehousing for people living in the poor areas of Copenhagen.

In June 1986, the council and Egon Weidekamp rejected the agreement and told UNGBO that they would have to call on the police to evict Ryesgade 58.

Egon Weidekamp

Egon Weidekamp is perhaps best known for giving the rights to use Ungdomshuset on Jagtvej 69 (which was torn down in 2007) to the group of squatters called BZ-bevægelsen after many years of social unrest and riots.


In 1977, Nyhavn was inaugurated as a veteran ship and museum harbour by Overborgmester i København (Copenhagen’s Lord Mayor) Egon Weidekamp.

see also