
31 unusual facts about Egyptology

Amelia Peabody

Evelyn later marries Walter, and Amelia marries Radcliffe, accepting his proposal by teasing that it was the only way that she could engage in Egyptology without causing a scandal.

Anthony O'Neill

The Empire of Eternity (2006) is a mystery involving Napoleon Bonaparte and the early years of Egyptology.

Book of Sothis

Its contents are consequently regarded as being of little value to Egyptology, although a classic of pseudepigraphy.

Boyo Ockinga

As such, Prof Ockinga is one of the leading figures in Australian Egyptology and its main organ, the Australian Centre for Egyptology.

Delia Pemberton

Delia Pemberton (born 1954) is an author and lecturer in Egyptology, formerly with the British Museum and Birkbeck College, University of London, UK.

Diamantis Panagiotopoulos

There he added Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies to his expertise.

Eduard Mahler

In early life, he paid considerable attention to ancient Oriental history, Assyriology, and Egyptology, in which subjects he was a present private docent at the University of Budapest.

Fekri Hassan

Currently professor emeritus, he had formerly held the chair of Petrie professor (1994-2008) of the institute of archaeology and department of Egyptology of University College London.

Frederick Gard Fleay

In his later years, Fleay largely abandoned studies in English literature and devoted himself to Egyptology and Assyriology.


:Until the findings of Egyptology became known to them, all that most Egyptians knew about Pharaoh was what they learned from the Qur'an, and the image of Pharaoh in the Qur'an is much the same as in the Old Testament.


It was the Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius (1810–1884) who restricted Hamitic to the non-Semitic languages in Africa, which are characterized by a grammatical gender system.

Heinrich Karl Brugsch

He became director of the School of Egyptology at Cairo, producing numerous very valuable works and pioneering the decipherment of Demotic, the simplified script of the later Egyptian periods.

House of Hauteclocque

The youngest of these had a son, who became a noted egyptologist; he, in turn, had three sons.

Journal of Biblical Literature

Samuel Sharpe, an English ordained minister and egyptologist was editor of a journal also called Journal of Bibilical Literature, published from London prior to the establishment of SBL and its journal.


Reverend Edward Hincks, a renowned Assyriologist and Egyptologist, was appointed Church of Ireland rector of Killyleagh in 1825, an office he was to hold for the remaining forty-one years of his life.


The first sketches of the domed church were made in the beginning of the 20th century by the English Egyptologist Somers Clarke, who published his findings in 1912 in Christian Antiquities in the Nile Valley.

Michał Tyszkiewicz

Michał Tyszkiewicz (1828–1897) was a Polish collector of antiques and amateur Egyptologist, member of the once powerful Tyszkiewicz noble family.

Milverton, Somerset

It was the birthplace, in 1773, of Thomas Young, an English polymath who contributed to the scientific understanding of vision, light, solid mechanics, energy, physiology, and Egyptology.

Oriental Institute, Oxford

Department of Egyptology and the Ancient Near East (also based at the Griffith Institute of the Ashmolean Museum)

Orly Goldwasser

Orly Goldwasser is an Israeli Egyptologist, professor of Egyptology at the Hebrew University.

Pierre-Paul Guieysse

He trained as a hydrographic engineer, working for the navy, but developed scholarly and political interests, becoming a specialist in Egyptology and being active in leftist politics.

Ramses Emerson

Ramses follows his family’s Egyptological path, becoming a skilled excavator like his father.

Royal Museums of Art and History

In 1925, Eugène Van Overloop was succeeded by the Egyptologist Jean Capart, during whose term of office the museums became a leading scientific institution.

Samuel Noah Kramer

He enrolled at Dropsie College of Philadelphia for Hebrew and Cognate Learning, and became passionately interested in Egyptology.

Sir Herbert Thompson Professor of Egyptology

The Sir Herbert Thompson Professor of Egyptology represents the chair of Egyptology at the University of Cambridge, England.

Smith and Pepper

The firm made a wide range of jewellery, notably swallow designs, popular during the World Wars and Egyptian style snake designs, after Egyptologist Howard Carter made ancient Egypt fashionable.

Some Words with a Mummy

First the popular interest in Egyptology and mummies during the time that this story was written.

Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur

Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur, or SAK, is a scientific journal containing articles pertaining to the study of Egyptology.

The Scarab Murder Case

In this book, detective Philo Vance's murder investigation takes place in a private home that doubles as a museum of Egyptology, and the solution depends in part on Vance's extensive knowledge of Egyptian history and customs, which enable him to sort through suggestions of godly vengeance and reveal the misdirections perpetrated by the real murderer.

Tia Neiva

Today he is the central figure of the cult, which includes elements from Christianity, Candomblé, Spiritism, Extraterrestrials, and Egyptology.

Toby Wilkinson

Toby A. H. Wilkinson (born 1969) is an English Egyptologist.

Adolf Erman

Erman's pupils include James Henry Breasted, America's first Professor of Egyptology with his numerous works including his History of Egypt from the Earliest Times Down to the Persian Conquest (1905) and Georg Steindorff's little Koptische Grammatik (1894, ed. 1904), improving greatly on Stern's standard work in regard to phonology and the relationship of Coptic forms to Egyptian, and Sethe's Das Ägyptische Verbum (1899).

Aleida Assmann

She had to take her minor field examination in Egyptology in Tübingen because her husband Jan Assmann had become a professor of Egyptology in Heidelberg.

Armenian Egyptology Centre

Egyptology and the Armenian Egyptology Centre (AEC) were both simultaneously created in Armenia on December 25, 2006 under the initiative of director, Dr. Christian Tutundjian de Vartavan, with the support of Prof. Aram Simonyan rector of the university, as well as many personalities of Armenian science and education.

Betsy Bryan

Betsy Morrell Bryan (born 1949) is an American Egyptologist who is leading a team that is excavating the Precinct of Mut complex in Karnak, at Luxor in Upper Egypt.

Charles Edwin Wilbour

He then became a co-laborer with Heinrich Karl Brugsch and Gaston Camille Charles Maspero in the field of Egyptology, accompanying the latter on five winter exploring expeditions up the Nile.

Crest of the Royal Family

The main character is Carol, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed American teenager from a wealthy family with an interest in Egyptology studying in Cairo.

Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible

Advisors included Hans Dieter Betz, André Caquot (1923–2004), Jonas C. Greenfield (1926–1995), Erik Hornung Professor of Egyptology at Basel University, Michael E. Stone of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Manfred Weipert of the University of Heidelberg.

Gary A. Wegner

He is the father of Josef Wegner, professor of Egyptology at the University of Pennsylvania.

George Fisk Comfort

In Berlin, Comfort was influenced by meetings and studies with the philosopher Friedrich Kaulbach, Carl Richard Lepsius (curator of Egyptology at the Berlin Museum), Gemäldegalerie director Gustav Waagen, Leopold von Ranke, among others.

Griffith Institute

It is also responsible for a number of important publications within the field of Egyptology, the best known being Gardiner's Egyptian Grammar and Faulkner's A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian.

Guillemette Andreu

After studying history, Andreu specialized in Egyptology (hieroglyphs, hieratic, Coptic) and produced a thesis on the law and order in Ancient Egypt at Sorbonne in 1978 under the direction of Professor Jean Leclant.

Jeremy Curl

Curl worked briefly at the British Museum, London, in the Ancient Egyptology department alongside renown Egyptologist Vivien Davies where he learnt to read Egyptian hieroglyphs and awakened his love for ancient and enigmatic cultures.

Nefertiti Bust

The French book, Le Buste de Nefertiti – une Imposture de l'Egyptologie? (The Bust of Nefertiti – a Fraud in Egyptology?) by Swiss art historian Henri Stierlin and the book Missing Link in Archaeology by Berlin author and historian Edrogan Ercivan both claimed that the Nefertiti bust was a modern fake.


Reisner Papyrus - related to egyptology and George Andrew Reisner

S. O. Y. Keita

He received his doctorate in biological anthropology from Oxford University, where his supervisors were scholars A.J. (Anthony) Boyce (biological anthropology) and John Baines (Egyptology).

Samuel Rogers

Two nephews, orphaned young and for whom he assumed responsibility, were Samuel Sharpe, the Egyptologist and translator of the Bible, and his younger brother Daniel, the early geologist.