In 2008, "On the Move", a documentary film directed by Avida Livny and produced by Gidi Avivi, Yael Biron and Dror Nahum, about Banai and the Refugees, participated in the official competition of the Jerusalem Film Festival, in EPOS -the international art & culture film festival in Israel and has been screened in cinemateques around Israel.
After his discharge, he moved to London, where he played in the London Underground for six months.
Ehud Barak | Ehud Olmert | Ehud Yaari | Ehud Vaks | Ehud Goldwasser | Ehud Banai | Yossi Banai | Ehud Yatom | Ehud Olmert's |
She sang "Halomot" ("Dreams") by Ruhama Raz, "Shir Ahuvat HaSapan" ("Song of the Sailor's Lover") by Rita, "Bluz Kna'ani" ("Canaan Blues") by Ehud Banai and "Vidui" ("Confession") by Alexander Penn (sung by Yehudit Ravitz).