
2 unusual facts about EiffelStudio


5.4, November 2003: new conversion mechanism, major run-time performance improvements (in particular for agents), major compilation speed improvements, improved support for multithreading, major EiffelBuild enhancements, first support for new mechanisms as defined by the ECMA Eiffel committee, support for preconditions and postconditions in external (e.g. C) routines, transparent way to call overloaded .

The Eiffel community actively participates in its development; a list of open projects is available from the Origo site, hosted at ETH Zurich (see "external links"), together with the source code base for check-out, discussion forums etc.


EiffelStudio |

Don't repeat yourself

Examples of systems that attempt to reduce duplicate information include the Symfony, web2py, Yii, Play Framework and Django web frameworks, EiffelStudio, Ruby on Rails application development environment, Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch and Enterprise Java Beans version 3.

Software documentation

Often, tools such as Doxygen, NDoc, javadoc, EiffelStudio, Sandcastle, ROBODoc, POD, TwinText, or Universal Report can be used to auto-generate the code documents—that is, they extract the comments and software contracts, where available, from the source code and create reference manuals in such forms as text or HTML files.

see also