
unusual facts about Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt

The Pharaoh Who Conquered the Sea

The film explores the legend that a large number of ships were built by Hatshepsut, the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt, capable of trade with the Land of Punt.

Amarna letters

The letters were found in Upper Egypt at Amarna, the modern name for the Egyptian capital of Akhetaten (el-Amarna), founded by pharaoh Akhenaten (1350s – 1330s BC) during the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt.


Some of the earliest known diplomatic records are the Amarna letters written between the pharaohs of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt and the Amurru rulers of Canaan during the 14th century BC.


The following is a song attributed to the reign of one of the Intef kings before or after the 12th dynasty, and the text was used in the eighteenth and nineteenth dynasties.


Ineni (sometimes transliterated as Anena) was an Ancient Egyptian architect and government official of the 18th Dynasty, responsible for major construction projects under the pharaohs Amenhotep I, Thutmose I, Thutmose II and the joint reigns of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III.


One theory holds that Mutbenret was the same person as Mutnedjmet the wife of Horemheb, the last ruler of the Eighteenth Dynasty.


Mutnedjmet (Mutnedjemet, Mutnodjmet, Mutnodjemet) an Ancient Egyptian queen, the Great Royal Wife of Horemheb, the last ruler of the Eighteenth Dynasty.

see also