
33 unusual facts about ancient Egypt

Alberta Legislature Building

The use of Greek, Roman, and Egyptian architectural influences was considered appropriate for a public building, as they suggested power, permanence, and tradition.

Alexander Hamilton, 10th Duke of Hamilton

Hamilton had a strong interest in Ancient Egyptian mummies, and was so impressed with the work of mummy expert Thomas Pettigrew that he arranged for Pettigrew to mummify him after his death.

Ana María Vázquez Hoys

In 2010 she published her first historic novel, placed in Ancient Egypt and titled El Sol Negro (The Black Sun).

Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig

A central position is occupied by the collection of Greek vases and sculptures and the Ancient Egyptian section.

Bandar Sunway

One of the mall's most easily recognised designs is the Egyptian-inspired Pyramid with a lion "standing guard" at the entrance.


Bloodletting is one of the oldest medical techniques, having been practiced among ancient peoples including the Mesopotamians, the Egyptians, and the Greeks.

Colin Reader

Colin Reader is an English geologist with an interest in Ancient Egypt and is also secretary of The Manchester Ancient Egypt Society.

Enochian chess

The four sets of pieces were variously colored, and identified with Egyptian deities or "god-forms".

Frederick Temple

Temple's essay had dealt with the intellectual and spiritual growth of the race, and had pointed out the contributions made respectively by the Hebrews, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, and others.

Gwendolyn MacEwen

Her two novels – Julian the Magician, dealing with the ambiguous relationship between the hermetic philosophies of the early Renaissance and Christianity; and King of Egypt, King of Dreams, which imaginatively reconstructed the life and religious reformation of Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaton – blend fantasy and history.

History of the Jews in Venice

Pesach (Passover), feast of unleavened bread, of spring and of pilgrimage, is a joyful feast commemorating the liberation from slavery in Ancient Egypt.

Iron Lore Entertainment

Titan Quest is set in ancient Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia and China, and makes extensive use of the mythology of those civilizations.

King of Egypt

The rulers of Ancient Egypt may be described using the title King (a translation of the Egyptian word nsw) or Pharaoh (derived from pr ˤ3).

Kingston Lacy

He travelled extensively to the Middle East and the Orient, collecting the largest individual collection of Egyptian antiques in the world.

Las auténticas aventuras del profesor Thompson

Professor Thompson stumbles on to an Egyptian Pharaoh Apestophis who has travelled forward in time with a miniature pyramid-shaped time-travelling device.

Lucy Myers Wright Mitchell

Her two-volume, 766 page work, A History of Ancient Sculpture, examines the history of ancient sculpture beginning with its origins in Ancient Egypt, and includes another volume of plates.

Martin Burgess

After a first career as a restorer of Egyptian antiquities, Burgess turned to horology and clock-making and has specialized in building innovative and gigantic clocks, often with a detached escapement.

Mosaic: Tomb of Mystery

It is somewhat similar to Tetris (because you fit shapes together) and it is themed in Ancient Egypt.

My Science Project

His friend Vince Latello (Fisher Stevens), convinces him to attach the device's "terminals" to an automotive battery whereupon the device emits a swirl of colorful energy that manifests into an Ancient Egyptian vase.

Ninja Commando

The three heroes chase after their enemy in seven time periods, including the Sengoku period in Japan (where Ryu avenges his ancestor by killing Oda Nobunaga), Ancient Egypt, the Stone Age, China in the era of Three Kingdoms, and World War II.

Paschal mystery

Some scholars refer to Assyrian "pasah" – appease or Egyptian "pa-sh" – remembrance or "pē-sah" – the blow.


Psammetichus or Psamtik was the name of three Egyptian pharaohs of the 26th Saite Dynasty.


Archeologists who investigated ancient Celtic and Egyptian sites in the 19th century found celts which exhibited the spin-reversal motion.


Like Abraham before him, who called Sarah his "sister" rather than his "wife" so that the Egyptians would not kill him and take his wife, Isaac told the people of Gerar that Rebecca was his sister.


The name of the type genus is derived from "Sabacon", an Egyptian king.

Sally Watson

Sally continues to add to her English family tree series and has also published several young adult novels set in Ancient Egypt.

Tadeusz Andrzejewski

He published two books in French, 23 articles, a history of Ancient Egypt, a book on Egyptian poetry, a new commentary on Bolesław Prus' historical novel Pharaoh, Księga Umarłych piastunki Kai, and many others.

The Blinding of Truth by Falsehood

The Tale of Truth and Falsehood or the The Blinding of Truth by Falsehood is a story of the New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period in ancient Egyptian history.

The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn

In temple work, the OSOGD uses Egyptian, Enochian and Thelemic godforms in preference to the Judeo-Christian Archangels typical of the original Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

The Queen of the Damned

This novel is a continuation of the story that ends in a cliffhanger in The Vampire Lestat and explores the rich history and mythology of the origin of the vampires, which dates back to Ancient Egypt.

The Scorpion God

The Scorpion God is set in Ancient Egypt in pre-Pharaonic times and involves three main characters: "Great House", his son, and "The Liar".

Tony Guilfoyle

More recently, he has appeared in the TV series Rome, playing the Egyptian eunuch, and Pharoh's aide, Pothinus.


In Ancient Egypt, the West was considered to be the portal to the netherworld, and is the cardinal direction regarded in connection with death, though not always with a negative connotation.

220 BC

With Molon occupying significant parts of the Seleucid kingdom and assuming the title of king, on the advice of his chief Minister, Hermeias, Antiochus III abandons a campaign to conquer southern Syria from Egypt.

221 BC

Ptolemy III, King of Egypt, who has reunited Egypt and Cyrenaica and successfully waged the Third Syrian War against the Seleucid kingdom

Al Khazneh

Another legend is that it functioned as a treasury of the Egyptian Pharaoh at the time of Moses (Khaznet Far'oun).


Ashayet or Ashait was an ancient Egyptian queen consort, a lower ranking wife of Pharaoh Mentuhotep II of the 11th dynasty.

Babylonian star catalogues

Later catalogues reduces the zodiacal set of constellations to 12, which were borrowed by the Egyptians and the Greeks, still surviving among the modern constellations.

Crosscut saw

Some saws, such as Japanese saws and those used by the ancient Egyptians, are designed to cut only on the pull stroke.


Some well-known sedges include the water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis) and the papyrus sedge (Cyperus papyrus), from which the Ancient Egyptian writing material was made.


Aziru, and his father Abdi-Ashirta, were some of the major instigating forces-(in the north) causing conflict with the Egyptian pharaoh, as cities–('city-states'), and regions were under constant threat and destruction in the northern, and western Canaan region-(Lebanon, and southern Syria).


Ikhernofret (also Iykhernofert) was an Ancient Egyptian treasurer of the Twelfth Dynasty, under king Senusret III.

Kingdom of the Sun

Kingdom of the Sun may refer to the Inca Empire, or ancient Egypt.


Lassos are not only part of North American culture; relief carvings at the ancient Egyptian temple of Pharaoh Seti I at Abydos, built c.1280

Late Period of ancient Egypt

The Late Period of Ancient Egypt refers to the last flowering of native Egyptian rulers after the Third Intermediate Period from the 26th Saite Dynasty into Persian conquests and ended with the conquest by Alexander the Great.

Medical diagnosis

The history of medical diagnosis began in earnest from the days of Imhotep in ancient Egypt and Hippocrates in ancient Greece.

Mount Imhotep

The mountain was photographed by Hunting Aerosurveys Ltd in 1956–57, mapped from these photos in 1959, and named by the UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee for Imhotep, who lived in Ancient Egypt and was the first physician to emerge as an individual.


The Giza Necropolis of ancient Egypt is one of the oldest and probably the most well-known necropolis in the world since the Great Pyramid of Giza was included in the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Otto Heurnius

The aims of the collection included reconstruction of the life of the Israelites in Egypt, as in the Book of Exodus.

Particular judgment

With the rise of the cult of Osiris during the Middle Kingdom (c. 2040–1640 BCE) in Ancient Egypt the “democratization of religion” offered to even his humblest followers the prospect of eternal life, with moral fitness becoming the dominant factor in determining a person's suitability.

Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery

Many prehistoric artefacts from Dartmoor, important Bronze Age and Iron Age material from Mount Batten and medieval and post-medieval finds from Plymouth are found in the human history collection alongside artifacts from Ancient Egypt and other ancient cultures of Europe and the Middle East.


Userkhaure-setepenre Setnakhte (or Setnakht) was the first Pharaoh (1189 BC1186 BC) of the Twentieth Dynasty of the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt and the father of Ramesses III.

Smith and Pepper

The firm made a wide range of jewellery, notably swallow designs, popular during the World Wars and Egyptian style snake designs, after Egyptologist Howard Carter made ancient Egypt fashionable.

The Pharaoh's Daughter

Interest in ancient Egypt was revived by archaeological and political events- the discovery in 1851 by Auguste Mariette of the Serapeum at Memphis and the digging of the Suez Canal in 1859- and by the reports of the educated élite returning from the Grand Tour.


Tomb TT280, located in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, part of the Theban Necropolis, is the burial place of the Ancient Egyptian noble Meketre who was chancellor and chief steward during the reign of Mentuhotep II and Mentuhotep III, during the Middle Kingdom.


The famous Venetian explorer Giovanni Belzoni, known for his success in searching for Egyptian antiquities and selling them to the British Museum, died here in 1824 of dysentery during an expedition.

Wadsworth Atheneum

The museum is home to approximately 50,000 objects, including ancient Roman, Greek, and Egyptian bronzes; paintings from the Renaissance, Baroque, and French and American Impressionist eras, among others; 18th-century French porcelains (including Meissen and Sèvres); Hudson River School landscapes; early American clothing and decorations; early African-American art and historical artifacts; and more.

White magic

In his 1978 book, A History of White Magic, recognised occult author Gareth Knight traces the origins of white magic to early adaptations of paleolithic religion and early religious history in general, including the polytheistic traditions of Ancient Egypt and the later monotheistic ideas of Judaism and early Christianity.