
unusual facts about Eighth Army

Eighth Army

Eighth Route Army, a Chinese Communist force that fought against the Japanese during World War II

Charles Hill, Baron Hill of Luton

Sir Robert Lusty, the acting chairman, commented that "it was like inviting Rommel to command the Eighth Army on the eve of Alamein".

Coral Wong Pietsch

Commissioned into the Judge Advocate General Corps in 1974, she was assigned to Eighth Army in Korea then to Fort Shafter, Hawaii, completing her active duty requirement, and transferring to the Army Reserves.

Ernest Benjamin

After commanding the Group in North Africa during its completion of formation and training, he served with the British Eighth Army in the Faenza Area, Italy from 7 March until the end of the war.

John A. Wickham, Jr.

He then commanded the 101st Airborne Division, was director of the Joint Staff of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and afterward, as a four-star general, became Commander in Chief of the United Nations Command and Commander of the United States Forces Korea and Eighth Army in Korea.

Neil Ritchie

It was Auchinleck who was to give him his highest field command, the Eighth Army, in November 1941, following the dismissal of Lt-Gen. Alan Cunningham from that position.

Operation Begonia

During World War II, Operation Begonia was the airborne counterpart to the amphibious Operation Jonquil, conducted by British SAS and Eighth Army Airborne between Ancona and Pescara, Italy, from 2-6 October, 1943.

Panay Liberation Day

The planners chose to seize the western portion, including northwestern Negros and Panay island, during Operation VICTOR I. Lt. Gen. Robert L. Eichelberger, the Eighth Army commander, appointed the 40th Infantry Division, a California National Guard formation and veterans of the recent Battle of Luzon, under Maj. Gen. Rapp Brush, with the 503rd Airborne Regimental Combat Team in reserve.

William Gott

In August 1942, Prime Minister Winston Churchill removed General Sir Claude Auchinleck as Commander-in-Chief Middle East and acting General Officer Commanding Eighth Army.

Zygmunt Szkopiak

Liberated by the British Eighth Army, he and his family received refugee status and were sent to England where he entered the Polish College of the University of London at Battersea, received a doctorate in the physics of metallurgy and joined the staff of Battersea College of Advanced Technology which, in 1968, became the University of Surrey.

see also

18th Army Group

Its principal formations were the Eighth Army, under General Bernard Montgomery and First Army under Lieutenant General Kenneth Anderson.

66th Weapons Squadron

The squadron supported the British Eighth Army's landing at Termoli and subsequent operations in Italy, being reassigned to Twelfth Air Force in August 1943.

Allied invasion of Sicily

The British Eighth Army had four infantry divisions and an independent infantry brigade organized under XIII Corps commanded by Lieutenant-General Miles Dempsey and XXX Corps under Lieutenant-General Sir Oliver Leese.

Battle of Onjong

Exploiting the situation, the Chinese launched another attack on the now exposed Eighth Army center, resulting in the loss of the ROK 15th Infantry Regiment and the US 8th Cavalry Regiment at the Battle of Unsan.

Bernhardt Line

As the New Year approached, it became clear that with no prospect of better weather until the spring, Eighth Army did not have the strength to force its way to Pescara.

Georg Bruchmüller

Bruchmüller rose in position in the east, commanding the artillery of von Hutier's Eighth Army at Riga in September 1917.

Harold Rawdon Briggs

Briggs's brigade took part in Eighth Army's advance to and through the Axis defensive line at Gazala, ending the year at Benghazi.

Invasion of Palawan

The U.S. Eighth Army of Lt. Gen. Robert L. Eichelberger was directed to invade and seize the provincial capital of Palawan, Puerto Princesa, after which they would proceed to the Zamboanga Peninsula in western Mindanao and parts of the Sulu Archipelago.

Middle East Theatre of World War II

After the advance of the Eighth Army into eastern Tunisia in early 1943, 18th Army Group was formed to control Eighth Army and First Army which was attacking Tunisia from the west after the successful Allied Operation Torch in November 1942.

Operation Bertram

On 16 September 1942, Freddie de Guingand, Montgomery's chief of staff, summoned Barkas and Tony Ayrton to Eighth Army headquarters near Borg-el-Arab.

Thomas W. Herren

Then as an effort to focus Eighth Army efforts on combat, Herren was appointed commanding general of the Korean Communications Zone and Economic Advisor, Republic of Korea, a vital rear echelon command responsible for U.S. Army activities in the southern two thirds of South Korea.