For the final Holmes film, however, Hubert Willis was replaced by Arthur Cullin.
Eille Norwood starred as Holmes in the 1923 film The Mystery of the Dancing Men.
Brandy Norwood | Norwood | Charlie Norwood | West Norwood Cemetery | Norwood, South Australia | South Norwood | Rick Norwood | Gabe Norwood | Norwood, Pennsylvania | Dorothy Norwood | Anthony Young, Baron Young of Norwood Green | Upper Norwood | The Adventure of the Norwood Builder | Norwood Russell Hanson | Jordan Norwood | Freddie Norwood | Eille Norwood | Brian Norwood | Willie Norwood | The Norwood School | St. Joseph's College, Upper Norwood | Robin Norwood | Richard Norwood | Norwood Young America, Minnesota | Norwood Park | Norwood Oval | Norwood, Ohio v. Horney | Norwood, New Jersey | Norwood, Nelson County, Virginia | Norwood, Massachusetts |
He directed around 70 films including a series of adaptations of Sherlock Holmes stories featuring Eille Norwood as Holmes.