
4 unusual facts about Ein schöner Tag

Ein schöner Tag

The video was aired and was shown for example on German music television channel VIVA in 2000.

Ein schöner Tag (English: A beautiful day) is the first single from the 2001 Schiller gold album Weltreise with vocals by German singer Isgaard and spoken word passages by German actress and voice actress Franziska Pigulla (* 6 May 1965), who became famous in the German-speaking countries as a narrator of countless documentaries and as the voice of FBI Special Agent Dana Scully from the X-Files.

The styles of the song and of the music video of Ein schöner Tag are very close to the previous single Ruhe.

The vocals by Isgaard are a sample of the theme "Un bel di vedremo" from the opera "Madame Butterfly" by Giacomo Puccini.

see also