
unusual facts about El Santo

Universal Wrestling Association

Los Misionares de la Muerte were originally workhorse midcarders in the UWA, but their stock rose immediately in a UWA match on November 2, 1980 in a match where the three faced Huracan Ramirez, Black Shadow, and the legendary El Santo.

Xanto: Novelucha libre

It is Zarate's first work published and also the first novel of his trilogy the phases of the myth, where he reinvents a part of the life of some characters: El Santo, a Mexican wrestler, Dracula and Super Man.

see also


Second most popular are celebrated in Camajuani, followed in popularity by Vueltas, Zulueta, Chambas, Guayos, El Santo, Taguayabon, Buenavista, Calabazar, Zaza del Medio, Falcon and many more small town of this central region of Cuba.

Santo Niño de Atocha

In the film Napoleon Dynamite, Pedro suggests placing santos around the hallways of his high school, recommending El Santo Niño de Atocha.

Velasgutto de Ayala

Belasgytto, Vela el Santo or Velasco was the legendary founder of the house of Ayala.