
unusual facts about El Sol

Ernesto Giménez Caballero

As literary critic for El Sol he went to Italy in 1928 and struck up friendships with such fascist thinkers as Giuseppe Bottai, Giovanni Gentile, Curzio Malaparte, and Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, eventually becoming an adherent of fascist beliefs himself.

see also

Ana María Vázquez Hoys

In 2010 she published her first historic novel, placed in Ancient Egypt and titled El Sol Negro (The Black Sun).

Disappearance and displacement of Mario Segura

At the time of his abduction, Segura was the Internet portal director for "El Sol del Sur Tampico", and he maintained the "Timely Alert" (Alerta Opurtuna) blog, which tracked drug-related violence and crime in the newspaper's coverage in the municipalities of Altamira, Madero, Ciudad Mante, Nuevo Laredo, and Reynosa.

Jaime Maussan

Since 1970 he has practiced his profession as a reporter in the following ways: El Sol de México (Mexico's Sun), Diario "La Afición" (Diary "The Hobby"), 24 Horas (24 Hours), W Radio, XEX Radio and Televisa, among others.

Jon Martin

Jon Martin relative of Tullio Romano talent/scout who launched Fausto Leali and worked with Caterina Caselli and former member of the group "Los Marcellos Ferial" famous group of the 60 their successes "Sei diventata nera" "Quando Calienta el Sol" "La Casa del Sole"(Mogol, Pallavicini and V-Price) and others.