
5 unusual facts about Elbistan

Âşık İbretî

He went to Elbistan, Kahramanmaraş and started to working as photographer but he couldn't adapt to the city and returned his hometown.

Beylik of Dulkadir

The capitals of the beylik were located around the town of Elbistan in Kahramanmaraş Province of Turkey in different eras.


The region was incorporated into the Ottoman Empire shortly before the campaign against the Mameluks of Egypt in 1512, although some local chiefdoms were given varying degrees of autonomy, notably around the localities of Haticepınar and Kasanlı.

Mükrime Hatun

Sitti Mükrime hatun was born in 1435 in Elbistan the Kahramanmaraş Province of Turkey, into the Dulkadir State as a Dulkadir princess, one of the daughters of Süleyman Bey, the sixth ruler of Dulkadir State.


In 1277, Baybars entered the Seljuk sultanate and on 18 March, overcame the Mongol army in Elbistan, while Pervâne, who was in command of the Seljuk contingent expected by both Baybars and the Mongols, took flight to Tokat along with the young sultan.


Elbistan |

Ayşe Hatun I

She was born in 1453 as the daughter of Alaüddevle Bozkurt Bey, the eleventh ruler of the Dulkadirids centered around Elbistan in Maraş.

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