"Lost in Your Eyes" is the sixth single from American singer-songwriter, Debbie Gibson, and the first from her second album, Electric Youth.
Nineteen tracks, including a developmental form of "Who Loves Ya Baby?" (the production version is on Atlantic LP 81932 Electric Youth), are included.
Fourteen tracks, including a developmental form of "Silence Speaks (a Thousand Words)" (the production version is on Atlantic LP 81932 Electric Youth), are included.
"No More Rhyme" (Atlantic 88885; Atlantic Japan 09P3-6165) is the eighth single from American singer-songwriter-actress Debbie Gibson, and the third from her second album Electric Youth (LP 81932).
"We Could Be Together" (Atlantic 88896; Atlantic UK A8896; Atlantic Japan 09P3-6194) is the ninth single from American singer-songwriter-actress Debbie Gibson, and the fourth from the 1989 album Electric Youth (LP 81932).
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