
2 unusual facts about Electronic News

Electronic News

The paper eventually grew to have a staff of three dozen full time journalists, working out of headquarters staffed by full time journalists in New York and bureaus in Boston, Washington DC, Miami, Atlanta, Dallas, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago, Minneapolis and Tokyo.

Also in 1971, Electronic News was where Intel first advertised the Intel 4004 microprocessor, considered to be the first single-chip microprocessor.

Rob Nilsson

It was produced by Bay Area art house exhibitors Don Taylor and Ben Myron, and executive-produced by Francis Ford Coppola, Signal 7 pioneered the use of ENG video cameras and small portable U-matic cassette recorders for dramatic film production, and was shot over the course of four nights.

see also

Electronic News Production System

Electronic News Production System (ENPS) is a software application developed by the Associated Press's Broadcast Technology division for producing, editing, timing, organizing and running news broadcasts.