
5 unusual facts about Eleni Tzoka

Bóg się rodzi

The hymn has been performed by several popular Polish artists, including Anna Maria Jopek, Violetta Villas, Michal Bajor, Ryszard Rynkowski, Krzysztof Krawczyk and Eleni Tzoka.

Danuta Mizgalska

At some concert she sang with other artists who came from Poznan: Eleni Tzoka, Halina Frackowiak, Anna Jantar.

Eleni Tzoka

She was honoured for that act of mercy in 1999 with the Saint Rita of Cascia prize, which is awarded yearly to women of different religious beliefs who have overcome a tragic event in their lives.

This illustrated album contains an interview given to a Pauline monk, fr.

Tzoka started her professional career in 1975 when she joined Prometheus, a newly founded music band that was mainly active in Sopot in northern Poland.

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