
4 unusual facts about Eleocharis

Cleaver Heath Nature Reserve

Heswall Dales is regarded as the second best example (after Thurstaston Common) of lowland heath in Merseyside, hosting localised species including Western Gorse Ulex gallii, Many-stalked Spike Rush Eleocharis multicaulis and Green-ribbed Sedge Carex binervis.

Durrie Station

The major habitats found within the area include vast areas of lignum, Muehlenbeckia florulenta, open shrubland and of sedgeland dominated by Eleocharis between the lignum.

Marsh Tapaculo

It inhabits areas of tall (60–180 cm), dense vegetation dominated by sedges (such as Eleocharis) and grasses.

Serendip Sanctuary

The sanctuary contains many different types of wetland and is home to many plant species as well, such as River Red Gums, tall spikerush, and tussock grass.

Ikema Wetland

, Cyperus tenuispica Streud, Cyoerus pillosus Vahl, Cyperus difformis, Eleocharis geniculata, Fimbristylis miliacea and Aeschynomene indica.

Monson Lake State Park

The lakeshores and other marshes are characterized by emergent plants like prairie bulrush, bur-reed, arrowhead, and spikerush.

see also