
unusual facts about Eletrobrás

Escola Politécnica da UFRJ

The Polytechnic School has partnerships with some of the most important research centers of Brazil: the Petrobras Research Center (Centro de Pesquisas da Petrobras - CENPES), the Eletrobras Research Center (Centro de Pesquisas da Eletrobras - CEPEL), the Research Center in Mineral Technology (Centro de Pesquisa em Tecnologia Mineral - CETEM) and the Institute of Nuclear Engineering (Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear).

Electricity sector in Brazil

As summarized in the table above, Brazil has two nuclear power plants, Angra 1 (657 MW) and Angra 2 (1,350 MW), both of them owned by Eletronuclear, a subsidiary of the state-owned Eletrobrás.

see also