
2 unusual facts about Elihu Burritt

New York Crystal Palace

After a year, he was succeeded by Phineas T. Barnum who put together a reinauguration in May 1854 when Henry Ward Beecher and Elihu Burritt were the featured orators.

Thomas Caterer

-- Everything matches except age reported as 27 not 25, travelling with "single women" (though that may simply mean "solo"), and why was she not in a cabin (OK, to save money; Thomas worked his passage as tutor to children on board)? None of these problems insurmountable but not watertight--> She was an educated and accomplished woman who had been secretary to Elihu Burritt for some years.

Centre for International Education and Research

Early international influences in Birmingham include Elihu Burritt, a US Consul sent by Abraham Lincoln, who lived in Harborne just north of the present Birmingham University campus.

see also