
unusual facts about Eliyahu-Moshe Ganhovsky

Eliyahu-Moshe Ganhovsky

In 1926, he helped organise the Young Mizrachi and League for the Religious Worker groups in Antwerp, and in 1929 became vice-president of the Belgian Zionist Federation.

Abraham ben Elijah of Vilna

Of his numerous manuscripts which contained glosses to the Talmud, Midrash, Shulkan 'Aruk, and explanatory notes to his father's works, a commentary on the introduction to the Tikkune Zohar (Vilna, 1867), a commentary on Psalms I-C באר אברהם (Warsaw, 1887), Sa'arat Eliyahu, exegetical notes and biographical data about his father (Jerusalem, 1889), and Targum Abraham, notes on Targum Onkelos (Jerusalem, 1896), have been published.


Other composers, from the twelfth to the nineteenth century, include Hakhamim: Abraham Maimon (student of the kabbalist Moses Cordovero), Yosef Sutton, Solomon Ibn Gabirol, Yaacob Abadi, Mordechai Labaton, Eliyahu Hamaoui, Ezra Attiah, Abraham Ibn Ezra (who wrote "Agadelcha"), David Pardo, David Dayan, Shelomo Laniado (who wrote "Shalom vatzedek"), Yitzhak Benatar, Eliyahu Sasson, David Kassin, Shimeon Labi, Mordekhai Abadi and Shelomo Menaged.

Eliyahu David Rabinowitz-Teomim

Some of these texts include, “Seder Eliyahu” an autobiography, “Teffilat David” an explication of the meaning of the Siddur, “Cheshbonos Shel Mitzvah” an exposition on the 613 biblical commandments, “Seder Parshios” a commentary on the weekly portion of the Torah, “Zecher Lemikdash” a work concerning rabbinic precepts intended to be observed as a remembrance of the Temple, and many others.

Israeli–Kurdish relations

In one case the Turkish authorities asked the Jewish merchant Eliyahu Khawaja Khinno from Aqrah to mediate between them and Shaikh Abd al-Salam Barzani, who was an insurgent tribal leader.

Midrash Maaseh Torah

The "Ḥuppat Eliyahu" was edited as far as No. 16 by R. Israel Alnaqua at the end of his Menorat ha-Ma'or; and this portion of the compilation, together with other extracts from this work, was appended by Elijah de Vidas to his Reshit Chochmah (comp. S. Schechter, Monatsschrift, 1885, pp. 124 et seq., 234).

Mordechai Eliyahu

In March 2006, three days before the 2006 Israeli legislative election, Eliyahu stated that it was forbidden to vote for any Israeli political party that had backed the disengagement, and stressed that anyone who voted for Kadima was "assisting sinners".

Yeshiva Aharon Yaakov-Ohr Eliyahu

As the school grew, Ohr Eliyahu relocated to a former Culver City public school near Kenneth Hahn State Park.

In April 2009, Yeshivah Aharon Yaakov-Ohr Eliyahu bought the former Daniel Murphy High School campus, located in the heavily Orthodox Jewish populated Fairfax District.

Yeshivat Aderet Eliyahu

Yeshivat Aderet Eliyahu (ישיבת אדרת אליהו), commonly referred to as "Zilberman's," is a Haredi, Lithuanian educational facility located between the Jewish and Muslim quarters of the Old City of Jerusalem.

see also