Ellguth or Ellgoth is a German variant name for several Central European villages that derive their names from the medieval Slavic lhóta meaning "free or grace period", referring to the medieval custom of village founders being exempt from paying duties to their lords for a period of 5–8 years.
/StG 2 led by Major Oskar Dinort via Nieder-Ellguth, were directed against this unit, followed a few hours later by Schwarzkopff with sixty Ju 87 Stukas of I.
The room is still used for special events, such as in connection with the marriage of Queen Margrethe II's niece, Princess Alexandra of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg to Count Jefferson-Friedrich von Pfeil und Klein-Ellguth in 1998.
The German aircraft started to smoke, but the aircraft managed to return to base at Nieder-Ellguth.