Ellyn Setnor Bogdanoff (born 1959), Representative in the House of Representatives of the U.S. state of Florida
In 2012, Florida Senate districts were reconfigured, and Setnor Bogdanoff was drawn into a district with Democratic State Senator Maria Sachs, and a competitive election ensued.
She ran for the Florida Senate in a special election in March of 1998 to replace Ken Jenne, who had resigned his seat in the Senate when Governor Lawton Chiles appointed him as Broward County Sheriff, but lost to Steven Geller, a State Representative and the Democratic nominee.
In 2010, incumbent Republican State Representative Ellyn Setnor Bogdanoff declined to seek another term in the House, instead opting to embark on an ultimately successful run for the Florida State Senate.
Slosberg's successor in the House, fellow Democrat Kelly Skidmore, declined to seek a third term in 2010, instead opting to run for the Florida Senate against Republican Ellyn Setnor Bogdanoff, so Slosberg ran to succeed his successor.
Glen Ellyn, Illinois | Ellyn Setnor Bogdanoff | Setnor School of Music | Village Links of Glen Ellyn | Ellyn Stern |