
unusual facts about Elmer Iseler Singers

St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts

The Centre has since hosted a wide variety of performers, including the Gryphon Trio; the St Lawrence and Tokyo string quartets; Marc-André Hamelin; Jon Kimura Parker; the Chamber Players of Toronto; MegaCity Chorus; Nexus; the ORIANA Women's Choir; Youth and Music Canada; and the Elmer Iseler Singers, who premiered Pimooteewin: The Journey (Melissa Hui, composer; Tomson Highway, librettist) at the Centre in February 2008.

Eleanor Joanne Daley

In her native Canada, she has composed for numerous ensembles including the Elmer Iseler Singers, the Amadeus Choir, the Toronto Children's Chorus, the Amabile Youth Singers, St. Mary's Children's Choir, the Cantabile Singers of Kingston, the Savridi Singers, the Vancouver Men's Chorus and the Victoria Scholars.

see also