Batman: Nine Lives is an Elseworlds graphic novel published by DC Comics in 2002, written by Dean Motter, with art by Michael Lark.
In the Elseworlds story JLA: The Nail, a captive Black Orchid makes an appearance in Professor Hamilton's Cadmus Labs.
In the Elseworlds story JLA: The Nail, Carol Ferris/Star Sapphire makes an appearance in Professor Hamilton's Cadmus Labs.
In the Elseworlds story JLA: The Nail, Congo Bill (in his Congorilla form) makes an appearance in Professor Hamilton's Cadmus Labs.
In the Elseworlds story JLA: The Nail, a restrained Bruce Gordon/Eclipso makes an appearance in Professor Hamilton's Cadmus Labs.
In the Elseworlds JLA: The Nail miniseries, and its sequel JLA: Another Nail, a version of Hank Hall exists, alongside the original Dove.
In the Elseworlds story JLA: The Nail Krypto is an early product of an experiment in splicing Kryptonian DNA to Earth creatures.
2000 Eisner Award, Best Short Story: "Letitia Lerner, Superman's Babysitter" by Kyle Baker in Elseworlds 80-Page Giant
In the 1998 Elseworlds JLA: The Nail, Lightray is depicted fighting in a war between New Genesis and Apokolips.
An Elseworlds tale in Superboy Annual #1 (1994) shows a Wally West that had lost the use of his legs and had them replaced with bionic ones.