Rahm Emanuel | Emanuel Lasker | Emanuel Swedenborg | Emanuel Leutze | Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria | Emanuel Ungaro | Emanuel Ax | Emanuel Schegloff | Bogislav Friedrich Emanuel von Tauentzien | Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg | Emanuel Litvinoff | Emanuel Hahn | Emanuel Feuermann | Emanuel Cleaver | Emanuel Bowen | Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach | Walter Emanuel Jones | Stephen W. Scherer | Fernando Scherer | Emanuel Wynn | Emanuel United Church of Christ Cemetery | Emanuel Steward | Emanuel Schikaneder | Emanuel Mendel | Emanuel ('''Manny''') Rosenfeld | Emanuel L. Philipp | Emanuel Kiriakou | Emanuel Geibel | Emanuel Gat | Emanuel |
Emanuel Scherer, member of the National Council of the Polish government in exile after Zygielbojm's suicide; secretary general of the International Jewish Labor Bund (1961–1977)