
unusual facts about Embryology

Karl König

He studied Medicine at the University of Vienna and graduated in 1927 with a special interest in Embryology.

Anterior segment mesenchymal dysgenesis

In this review, the role of the ASD genes, PITX2 and FOXC1, is considered in relation to the embryology of the anterior segment, the biochemical function of these proteins, and their role in development and disease aetiology.

Étienne Wolff

Étienne Wolff (Auxerre, 12 February 1904 - Paris, 18 November 1996) was a French biologist, specialising in experimental and teratological embryology.

Henry Fairfield Osborn

Two years later, Osborn took a special course of study in anatomy in the College of Physicians and Surgeons and Bellevue Medical School of New York under Dr. William H. Welch, and subsequently studied embryology under Thomas Huxley as well as Francis Maitland Balfour at Cambridge University, England.

Henry Harold Welch Pearson

His papers on the ecology, morphology and embryology of Welwitschia, led to a Cantabrigian DSc in 1907, which in turn led to a study of the closely related Gnetum, to which end he went on a collecting expedition to Angola in 1909.

James Charles Kopp

He graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz in 1976, with a bachelor’s degree in Biology, going on to take a master's degree in Embryology from California State University Fullerton.


In higher insect orders from Orthoptera to Hymenoptera, each of the primary lobes is divided into two secondary lobes or phallomeres, termed parameres and mesomeres (NB: this use of the term "mesomere" is not to be confused with the same term in segmentation embryology.

Samar Alsaggaf

Doctorate of Philosophy in Anatomy and Embryology, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1996 Thesis Title: “The Effect of Irradiation On The Development Of The Cerebellar Cortex Of Guinea Pig”.

Master of Anatomy and Embryology, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1993 Thesis Title: “The Structure of The Cerebellar Cortex Of Guinea Pig”.

The Biology of the Cell Surface

The book examined the role of the cell surface in embryology, development and evolution, and presented a critique of gene theory, particularly the views of Jacques Loeb.

Yves Rumpler

From 1966 to 1976, Yves Rumpler was an associate lecturer in histology and embryology at the National School of Medicine, Tananarive, Madagascar (now part of the University of Antananarivo).

see also