Kithinji Kiragu - Renowned public Sector Management Consultant who is now retired.
kavutiri,ndunduri,itabua,gichera,makengi,kirigiri among many others and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Embu's Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral.
His subsequent postings were as District Commissioner in Kiambu, Lamu, Embu, Kenya, Voi, and other places, where he gained an "outstanding" reputation as an administrator known for his "profound" knowledge of indigenous law and culture (especially Kikuyu).
Embu, Kenya | Embu | Embu language | Roman Catholic Diocese of Embu |
The Beyond Mwingi Mission started dozens of mission churches in Nairobi, Kiambu, Meru, Embu and Nakuru.
The unmistakable sing-song Gichugu dialect (which sounds like Embu, a sister language to Gikuyu) can be heard in the coffee growing areas of Kianyaga, Gĩthũre, Kathũngũri, Marigiti.
The Hill is culturally famous as a hideout for Mau Mau fighters including Embu's most venerated fighter General Kubu Kubu.
The Meru language is similar to its surrounding neighbors, the Kikuyu and Embu could have possibly adopted parts of Meru.