
unusual facts about Emiland Gauthey

Emiland Gauthey

Emiland Gauthey also built several bridges in Burgundy: (Gueugnon (1787), Navilly (1782–1790) and Chalon-sur-Saône (1790–1791), and, as architect, the Hôtel de ville of Tournus (1771), the Theater at Chalon-sur-Saône (1778) and churches at Givry (1772–1791) and Louhans.


Emiland Gauthey |

George L. Vose

:As the object has been more to be useful than original, the best engineering writers and experimenters have been consulted ; among whom are, — Gauthey, Navier, Vicat, Tredgold, Barlow, Totten, Fairbairn, Hodgkinson, Clark, and Lardner.

see also