In November 2012, Tajikistan blocked access to Facebook in response to comments posted online, spreading “mud and slander” about President Emomalii Rahmon and various other officials.
In 2007 Emomalii Rahmon, President of Tajikistan, was reported as calling for the repatriation of the treasure, despite the fact that it had been recovered and sold by local peoples and acquired by museums in the art market.
In September 2005, in Forest Hills High School, Shoista sang for an audience who all came to celebrate her 80th birthday, including New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, former Governor George Pataki, President Emomalii Rahmon of Tajikistan, and Boris Kandov, President of the Bukharian Jewish Congress of USA and Canada.
Soon after, the people of Tajikistan heard this and, the following day, President Emomalii Rahmon sent a message to the United States expressing his condolence to the relatives of this legendary singer.
Emomalii Rahmon, from Dangara in Kulob oblast, became president of Tajikistan in November 1992 when Kulobi militiamen took control of the capital Dushanbe from opposition forces.