
4 unusual facts about Empress Michiko

Foreign relations of Lithuania

Bilateral relations were strengthen by the official state visit of Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko in 2007 May.

Hayley Sings Japanese Songs 2

The song "Nemu No Ki No Komoriuta" is based on a poem Empress Michiko wrote as a teenager.

Liudmyla Skyrda

She translated into Ukrainian the book To Build Bridges (2004), written by the Japanese Empress Michiko, delivered lectures on Ukrainian literature at Kyoto University and lectures on gender problems of modernity at Sokko Gakai University.

Tae Ashida

She is also the daughter of Japanese fashion designer Jun Ashida who at one point of his career was the dressmaker of Empress Michiko.

Mitsugi Ohno

One of his lifetime highlights was a meeting with the Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko of Japan in 1992 which was attended by President and Mrs. Jon Wefald of Kansas State University and his lifelong friend Professor Clifton Meloan and his wife.

see also