This organization Tetragammaton and these characters (Dr. Vang, Michael Dalke, and Martin Kong) have appeared in previous Hendrix novels involved in the long-term survival of humanity through the creation of mind-machine interfaces.
In Universe A, the universe in which Hendrix's previous novel Better Angels occurs, the accident is avoided allowing 3 of the major characters in that novel to be born.
The Allesseh is a massive consciousness at the centre of the galaxy, described in Hendrix's novel Better Angels.
Moon | Sailor Moon | moon | Full Metal Jacket | From the Earth to the Moon | Keith Moon | Ban Ki-moon | Full House | Titan (moon) | A Tale of Two Cities | The Full Monty | From the Earth to the Moon (miniseries) | The Dark Side of the Moon | Quad Cities | Transformers: Dark of the Moon | Sun Myung Moon | cities | Briefcase Full of Blues | Half Moon Bay, California | A Tale of Two Cities (musical) | William Least Heat-Moon | Moon River | Half Moon Bay | Full Circle | Emily of New Moon | Warren Moon | Ring Round the Moon | Moon Ska Records | Full Moon | Explorers on the Moon |