
unusual facts about Endiandra


Seed dispersal of various species in the genus is also carried out by fishes and big and small mammals as Pachyderms, Bovids, monkeys, arboreal rodents, porcupines, possums ...


Endiandra discolor

The leaves of Endiandra discolor provide food for the larvae of the Macleay's Swallowtail butterfly.

Endiandra introrsa

Endiandric acid C, isolated from the Endiandra introrsa tree, is reported to have better antibiotic activity than ampicillin.

Endiandric acid C

Endiandric acids are also found in Beilschmiedia trees, which were categorized under the Endiandra genus, but now forms its own genus as they found in cold, high latitude areas, and even in New Zealand.

see also