Located in Brentwood, TN, Lave MD was a social entrepreneur based business that became one of the first clinics in the country to provide the EndoVenous Laser Treatment for varicose veins.
EVLT has the same meaning as ELT, but it is a trademark name owned by Diomed and used as the name for their 910 nm laser treatment unit for ELT.
laser | Laser | People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals | laser-guided bomb | treatment | Sewage treatment | sewage treatment | Selective laser sintering | Nd:YAG laser | YAG laser | water treatment | Tactical High Energy Laser | Selective Laser Sintering | Sailing at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Women's Laser Radial class | laser tag | Laser lighting display | Laser (dinghy) | Laser (debit card) | Hyperion sewage treatment plant | Ford Laser | Excimer laser | Direct Metal Laser Sintering | Direct metal laser sintering | Water treatment | Waste treatment | Wartime Treatment Study Act | Treatment and control groups | Transistor laser | The Saint's homecoming: more than five centuries after Venerable Macarius' flight from the ruins of his monastery, his head gets red-carpet treatment in the towns it visits on its way back to Makaryevo | Simple triage and rapid treatment |