The term in its "enemy of the people" form has been used for centuries in literature ("An Enemy of the People", the play by Henrik Ibsen, 1882).
Benedikt Sarnov,Our Soviet Newspeak: A Short Encyclopedia of Real Socialism.
People's Republic of China | English people | French people | Filipino people | British people | Irish people | Scottish people | Romani people | Mexican people | Japanese people | German people | Brazilian people | Italian people | Portuguese people | Dutch people | Turkish people | Welsh people | Pashtun people | Palestinian people | Spanish people | Tamil people | Persian people | Māori people | Chinese people | Bengali people | National Association for the Advancement of Colored People | Igbo people | Yoruba people | People's Liberation Army | Zulu people |
Directed by M. K. Raina: Swapanvasvadatta, Balcharitram, Karnabharam, Urubhangam, Dootvakyam, Main Hi Hoon Kaalpurush, Openheimer, Servant of Two Masters, Madhvi, Hanush, Ghosts, Enemy of the people, Saadat Hasan Manto.