Non-voting members of council include the Faculty of Applied Science Student Senator, a representative from the Engineering Student Teams Council, a representative from Engineers Without Borders UBC, a representative from the local chapter of Engineers Without Borders, a representative from the local chapter of Sigma Phi Delta, and a representative from the local chapter of Alpha Omega Epsilon.
It organizes Engineering department events but is perhaps best known for practical jokes (STUdeNT projectS) it has played in the past, including hanging the frame of a Volkswagen Beetle off bridges.
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Perhaps most famous amongst these is the hanging of a Volkswagen Beetle shell from the Lion's Gate bridge, as well other bridges around Vancouver, by engineering students at the University of British Columbia.
On February 2, 2009 several University of British Columbia engineering students were arrested while attempting to suspend the shell of a Volkswagen Beetle under the bridge as part of an "Engineering Week" tradition.