
5 unusual facts about Enneagram of Personality


Enneagram of Personality, a model of human personality which uses an enneagram figure

Enneagram of Personality

Numerous other authors, including Helen Palmer, Don Richard Riso, Richard Rohr and Elizabeth Wagele, also began publishing widely read books on the Enneagram of Personality in the 1980s and 1990s.

Principally developed by Oscar Ichazo and Claudio Naranjo, it is also partly based on earlier teachings of G. I. Gurdjieff.

Meredith Belbin

Some people attempt to match Belbin's roles with Carl Jung's eight personality types, with the nine types of the Enneagram of Personality or another personality type classification.

Oscar Ichazo

Ichazo's Enneagram of Personality theories are part of a larger body of teaching that he terms Protoanalysis.


According to Baron and Wagele, the most common Enneatypes for ENFJs are Helpers (Twos) and Achievers (Threes).

see also

Arica School

The popular use of the Enneagram of Personality (as contrasted with the use of enneagrams within the Arica School) began principally with Claudio Naranjo who had studied with Ichazo in Chile.