
unusual facts about Enrichment

Aquaculture of brine shrimp

Since these components are critical for the larvae development, it is common practice to feed this live prey with emulsions of marine oils that are rich in the EPA and DHA, which is referred as enrichment processes.

Bosco Marengo

There was a nuclear enrichment plant in Bosco Marengo, which started operating in 1973.

Condictio causa data causa non secuta

Scots Law also still recognises the action of condictio causa data causa non secuta among the other condictiones, as was shown in the landmark case, in the field of unjustified enrichment (restitiution), of Shilliday v Smith (especially per Lord President Rodger).

Curtis Bean Dall

Dall became convinced that an "evil" global conspiracy, which he traced back to the Illuminati, secretly controlled history for its own enrichment.

David Greenglass

He was first stationed at the massive uranium enrichment facility at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and later worked at the Los Alamos laboratory in New Mexico.

Dominique Lorentz

One of the important points of her investigation concerns the link between the Eurodif (European Gaseous Diffusion Uranium Enrichment Consortium) affair and a series of terrorist acts in France.

East Point Mall

The top floor, which was previously a Golden Village cinema and a children's pool, currently houses a bunch of tuition and enrichment centres such as Morris Allen English, Tien Hsia Language School and Kumon.


Eurodif, which means European Gaseous Diffusion Uranium Enrichment Consortium, is a subsidiary of the French company AREVA, which operates a uranium enrichment plant established at the Tricastin Nuclear Power Center in Pierrelatte in Drôme.

Governor's Program for Gifted Children

Although GPGC existed as the McNeese Summer Enrichment Program before the North Carolina Governor's School, it became the second "governor's school for gifted children" in the United States.

Gustav Ludwig Hertz

In his first meeting with Lavrentij Beria, von Ardenne was asked to participate in building the bomb, but von Ardenne quickly realized that participation would prohibit his repatriation to Germany, so he suggested isotope enrichment as an objective, which was agreed to.

Hampstead Academy

Other enrichment programs offered include SSAT preparation, Improvisational Theater, Drama Club, Student Council, Yearbook Club, Chinese Club, Destination ImagiNation, Lego League, Orchestra, Select Chorus and Instrument lessons.

Isotopically pure diamond

The 12C isotopically pure, (or in practice 15-fold enrichment of isotopic number, 12 over 13 for carbon) diamond gives a 50% higher thermal conductivity than the already high value of 900-2000 W/(m·K) for a normal diamond, which contains the natural isotopic mixture of 98.9% 12C and 1.1% 13C.


K-25, a Manhattan Project uranium enrichment facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Lambda Lambda Lambda

Inspired by movies like Revenge of the Nerds and National Lampoon's Animal House, Lambda Lambda Lambda is a small co-ed social fraternity, unaffiliated with Greek Life, dedicated to the enjoyment and enrichment of pop culture and to the brotherhood of its members.

Marina Rikhvanova

In 2008, a group of Russian youths attacked a tent camp Rikhvanova had organized to protest a proposed uranium enrichment center in Angarsk, about 50 miles west of Baikal.

Novus International

Novus signs an exclusive worldwide agreement with Martek Biosciences Corporation to market and distribute Martek's DHA Gold in all poultry and swine feed and enrichment applications.

Peter Adolf Thiessen

The plant, which was smaller than the American Oak Ridge gaseous diffusion plant, was getting only a little over half of the expected 90% or higher enrichment.

Peter Smagorinsky

After working as a hall monitor and substitute teacher in New Jersey (primarily the public schools in Trenton) after graduating from college in 1974, Smagorinsky began his teaching career as an English teacher in the Upward Bound/Pilot Enrichment Program under the direction of Larry Hawkins, in Hyde Park on Chicago's South Side, where the University of Chicago is located.

Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant

USEC ceased enrichment operations at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in May 2001 after it consolidated operations at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Kentucky.

Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law

The Thirsty Dragon and the Wealthy Bear: How China, Russia and high oil prices threaten to erode U.S. foreign influence: Russia and China are once again reluctant to side with the United States and support another sanctions resolution against Iran and its nuclear enrichment and reprocessing activities.

Separation of isotopes by laser excitation

In November 1996 Silex Systems Limited licensed its technology exclusively to United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC) for uranium enrichment.

Spirochaeta americana

Further mineral enrichment of these waters also occur due to the volcanically active area, such as when Negit Island erupted roughly 250 years ago.

United States Enrichment Corporation

Before its downsizing and final cessation of uranium enrichment on May 31, 2013, the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant consumed about 3,000 megawatts of electricity at peak operation.

With Great Power...

Enrichment scenes "belong" to individual characters and players, though these can invite other players to participate in the scene, either as their character playing different non player characters.

see also